Thursday, 24 December 2009

Bonkey + Windows 7 = happy monkey

I've finally got hold of a Windows 7 Pro machine. I installed Bonkey in an administrator account and everything seems to work fine. So I'm giving Bonkey an all clear on Windows 7.

Let me know if you run into any difficulties.


Anonymous said...

Hey there,
thanks for Bronkey!
I ran into a problem when running it on XP.

I added a custom location - a local folder, on a USB drive - which was something like E:/backupFolder.
I setup my backup to use this location fine. However, after application relaunch, the location I added is not there anymore, and hence any attempt to do the backup fails with location not found.

This problem is completely reproducable -- relaunching the app makes it forget any custom location that was added!

bonkey said...

Hi Lex - I've never heard of this happening, I'm not sure what is going on there. All locations should remain until you remove them. Is there anything unusual about your setup (eg user account with limited permissions)? If you got Bonkey from somewhere else, it might be worth uninstalling, downloading it from the link on the left and reinstalling - you may have an old version.

Unknown said...

Eh' there :) Great program, been looking for something for S3 and love the fact it's build on Eclipse, nice solid platform. Having a bit of a problem though... I'm on Win7 Pro x64, I've got 4 Backup groups and if I try to do anything while any two are running, I get a Java Heap error, whether I'm changing one of the other Groups settings, or trying to start a third backup, or what have you, I'm in the middle of a backup right now and don't want to screw it up to get the full error again, but thought I'd leave you a note and see if it's something you're familiar with. My only concern is it looks like the problem has kept it from performing any of the scheduled backups, maybe it's just a matter of choosing specific times to run each one rather than anytime... Anyhow, thanks again!

bonkey said...

Hey Kevin - thanks for the feedback, haven't seen this before. Let me know if you narrow it down any further: thebackupmonkey@gmail.

Unknown said...

I can't get the program to run or the Bonkey service to start. Win7 Pro 64bit.

bonkey said...

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with how to build for 64 bit environments. In fact I'm not sure that I can build for 64 bit on a 32 bit machine. If you have some understanding of code, you could download the source and build it yourself.

bonkey said...

Actually, this page suggests that if you download a 32 bit JVM you should be able to run 32 bit applications:

Anonymous said...

When I use the multi-file large backup option, I can observe that all the file chunks are created properly (in 1 MB chunks). So far so good. However, at the end of the backup, all those chunks get deleted from the target folder. This happens consistently. I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 (like Windows 7).

bonkey said...

Have you got "Synchronise targets after backup" selected in the settings for that backup group? If so, turn it off - the two won't work together at present.

Fredd said...

I am sorry if I am off-topic; I copied my files on a Qnap NAS, and did the same with Allway Sync.
The big difference in the result is that Allway keeps the original filedate, but not Bonkey. My files are redated with the actual time and date. Did I miss an option somewhere?

bonkey said...

Hi Fredd - no, no option to keep original times and dates. It's something that I could look at adding in the future though, as a number of people have requested it now. It might not be possible for some filesystems however. Cheers - Bonkey

Unknown said...

I'm running Winders7 and recently discovered a 3.4 GByte .txt file called backup_log.txt. Is this deletable? Does it need to be that big?

bonkey said...

Hi Ezzelohar - I'm not sure that file has anything to do with Bonkey. Logging to file is turned on and off in the Preferences menu (see for more information).

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